INSEARCH is a non-profit endeavour in efforts to transfer knowledge and hands-on training to African universities and institutes. Africa is going to harbor most of the population of the world in the next decades. World stability and economic growth will depend on how this population is educated and how they fit in an ever-interconnected world economy. We believe the key lies in three domains:

  • Hands-on Skills-empowering projects
  • Curriculum adapted for Economic Development
  • Knowledge & Technology Transfer

Hands-on Skills-empowering Projects

Education based on theory alone, as it is for the most part in Africa, does little good. Education supported by several iterations of hands-on practice leads to mastery in a controlled environment, be it a university or a laboratory. The lessons gained from these environments could be transferred to the wider public for the benefit of all. To contribute to this perceived new age, we scout the curriculum of some African universities and offer hands-on skills to empower students into skills of the third industrial revolution and the new machine age. These practical skills complement the heavy theoretical curriculum and prepare youths for the new age.

Curriculum for Economic Development

The curriculum in most African institutions of learning were put in place during colonial days, or shortly thereafter. The context was different, and the priorities were not meant for outcomes with benefit to the local populations. The world has evolved and the curriculum of many African countries has not evolved alongside. But to bridge the gap in development, we will need modern and state-of-the-art curricula modeled to fit local realities. We partner with universities to adjust their curricula for especially the STEM subjects, to be in line with skills badly needed to tool up Africa for development in the third industrial revolution. We believe durable development begins with a youthful population trained in sound theory and hands-on skills.

Knowledge & Technology Transfer

We partner with institutions and governments to build laboratories in Africa and offer on-site hands-on training to empower staff and students on key sustainable development skills. We have supplied equipment to 5 biomedical laboratories, and built the biggest renewable energy laboratory in the West/ Central African regions. We are looking forward to building more and transforming the education ecosystem of Africa. Do you have the passion or ideas? Please join us!